“I have never let schooling interfere with my education” - Mark Twain
UIUC Statistics Coursework
Detailed descriptions can be found here.
- STAT 212: Biostatistics
- STAT 400: Statistics and Probability I
- STAT 410: Statistics and Probability II
- STAT 420: Methods of Applied Statistics
- STAT 424: Analysis of Variance
- STAT 425: Statistical Modeling I
- STAT 426: Statistical Modeling II
- STAT 428: Statistical Computing
- STAT 429: Time Series Analysis
- STAT 430: Data Science Programming
- STAT 431: Applied Bayesian Analysis
- STAT 432: Basics of Statistical Learning
- STAT 433: Stochastic Processes
- STAT 480: Data Science Foundations
- STAT 510: Mathematical Statistics
- STAT 527: Advanced Regression Analysis
- STAT 542: Statistical Learning
- STAT 593: Statistics Internship
UIUC Mathematics Coursework
- MATH 220: Calculus
- MATH 225: Introductory Matrix Theory
- MATH 231: Calculus II
- MATH 241: Calculus III
- MATH 284: Introductory Differential Systems
- MATH 415: Applied Linear Algebra
- MATH 416: Abstract Linear Algebra
- MATH 417: Abstract Algebra I
- MATH 444: Elementary Real Analysis
- MATH 446: Applied Complex Variables
- MATH 447: Real Variables
- MATH 540: Real Analysis (In progress)
- MATH 563: Risk Modeling and Analysis (In progress)
- MATH 564: Applied Stochastic Processes (In progress)
GT Computer Science Coursework
- CS 6200: Graduate Introduction to Operating Systems
- CS 6220: High Performance Computing
- CS 7642: Reinforcement Learning
- CS 7646: Machine Learning for Trading
- IYSE 6669: Deterministic Optimization
Actuarial Exams
- SOA Probability
- SOA Financial Mathematics
- SOA Investing and Financial Markets
- CAS Modern Actuarial Statistics I
- CAS Modern Actuarial Statistics II